Privacy Policy

Snowhome (legal trading name Owl & Monkey) is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We want you to understand how we collect and use information about you. This privacy notice explains how and why we collect any personal information about you when you use our website, shop or services. It also explains how we use that information.

Please note our website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to this website so when you link to other websites you should read their own privacy policies.


1. Who Are We?
2. What Information Do We Collect, How And Why Do We Collect It ?
3. How Will We Use The Information We Collect About You?
4. How Is Your Information Used For Marketing?
5. Our Lawful Reasons For Processing Your Information.
6. Who Do We Share Your Personal Information With?
7. Do You Have To Share Personal Information And If So Why?
8. How Long Do We Keep Your Personal Information?
9. Do We Transfer Your Personal Information Outside Of The EEA?
10. How Is Your Personal Information Processed?
11. Your Information Rights
12. Changes To This Privacy Policy
13. What Should You Do If You Have A Complaint?

1. Who Are We?

Snowhome is the trading name of Helen & Matt Harris (legal trading name Owl & Monkey) from now on referred to as “Snowhome”,or “we” and related words such as “us” and “our”. For the purposes of data protection law we are the “controller” and we are responsible for and control the processing of your personal data.

If you would like to contact us about this notice, including if you wish to receive further information about it you can contact us as follows:

Email –
Post – Snowhome, 42 Gillygate, York YO31 7EQ

2. What Information Do We Collect, How And Why Do We Collect It?

2.1 On Snowhome's website

a) If you purchase a product or service from us:

We collect information you supply us with when you fill out your online booking/order form. This asks you to complete information about your name, email address /or telephone number. We ask for this information so that we can fulfil your order and communicate any information you need relating to it. We take payments via  Stripe who process and hold your payment information in accordance with their terms and conditions and/or privacy policies. You can view Stripe's Privacy Policy here

Any delivery or contact information your provide is held securely on our website administration area and/ Stripe account.

b) If you use our contact us form:

If you fill out our contact form this information is not stored on our website but is sent to our email address. The details you give in the contact form are used to respond to your enquiry and are kept securely on our email account. Please see section 6 for further information about this.

c) When you use our website & website cookies:

We use Google Analytics on our website which uses cookies. A cookie is a small file containing letters and numbers that is stored on your computer by your web browser. You can find out about Google Analytics here and their privacy policy here.

The Google Analytics cookies track information such as when you first visited our site, where you started your web journey, how often and for how long you browse our website. We generally use this information to help us to compile collective performance information such as the numbers of visitors to our website, popular pages, etc. This information helps us to make improvements to our website.

We may also sometimes use the advertising feature of Google Analytics to provide you with a more personalised service when visiting our website by suggesting our products or our offers that your website usage suggests you may be interested in.

The cookies collect standard internet log information such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address but do not allow us access to your computer or share personal data with us that you have not given us permission to have.

When you use our website for the first time you will be informed that is uses cookies and asked if you wish to accept this or not. Cookies will only be used with your acceptance of them. You can choose not to accept using cookies at this prompt.

Your cookie settings are managed in your web browser, which should automatically be set to enable cookies unless you have changed your settings.

You can also enable, disable or delete cookies by following your browser instructions. You will usually find these in the Tools, Help or Edit menu of your computer.

d) When you visit our our Trouva boutique page:

We sell online via Trouva.  This is hosted by Trouva and governed by their terms and conditions and privacy policy; you can view these here

Trouva Privacy Policy 

Trouva Terms & Conditions

When you make a purchase from our boutique Trouva will share information about your name and/or any delivery names and address with us. This is so we can fulfil any orders. We keep these details securely on the administration page of our Trouva boutique.

2.2 In Our Shop

a) When you pay for products:

If you pay by card or electronic payment methods in the shop our point of sale provider, iZettle by Paypal, will take information about your payment details so they can process your payment. If you pay by card, electronic payment methods or cash and request an email receipt iZettle by Paypal will record your email address. iZettle by Paypal will hold any payment details and emails in accordance with their privacy policy and terms and conditions. You can find details about these here:

Izettle by Paypal Privacy Notice

Izettle by Paypal Terms & Conditions

Your payment details are not shared with us in full, iZettle by Paypal only share the last four digits of your card number and receipt number with us. Emails are only shared with us if you give your consent in store to share your email with  Snowhome by registering with us a customer. These emails are stored on our iZettle account and then transferred to our MailChimp mailing list for marketing. Please see section 4 on ‘How Is Your Information Used For Marketing’ for further information about this.

If you place an order and are are unable to pay for it in store by cash/card we can offer payment by invoice or payment link. Payment links are sent via our iZettle by Paypal software. Invoices are sent via iZettle by Paypal or Xero, to send this invoice or payment link we may need your name and address and email address. This information us used to raise an iZettle by Paypal/ Xero invoice/ payment link which will be sent to you and will allow you to pay online. iZettle by Paypal/ Xero (who will take your payment via Stripe)/ Stripe will not share your payment details with us. We will store this invoice securely on our iZettle by Paypal/ Xero/ Stripe account. We will not contact you for marketing purposes unless you have signed-up to our mailing list.

b) When you book services, make enquiries and place orders:

If you are booking services, placing product orders or making enquiries in store we may take contact details for you to help us deliver these services or orders. These will be taken as paper orders and/or requests or electronically on our computer systems and stored securely.

d) If you set-up wish list

If you request to set-up a wish list in store we will ask you for a name and contact telephone number and/or email so we can contact you about your list. We will also ask you for the dates you would like the list to be open from and to. This information will be taken in paper form or electronically on our computer systems.

We will only share the list with people who come in and quote the code associated with your list.

If you are providing another person’s details (for example for a joint wedding list) please ensure you have that person’s explicit consent to do so.

2.3. Enquiries and Order Via Email/Phone

a) If you place an order or make an enquiry:

If you contact us by phone or text to place an order, make an enquiry for a product or workshop or to set-up a wish list, your number and any text messages you send may be logged by our mobile. We store this securely on our phone/paper/ electronic systems

If you wish to place an order and are are unable to pay for it in store by cash/card we can offer payment by invoice or secure payment link. This would be sent via our iZettle by Paypal or Xero software and we would call you to set this up. Please see section 2.2 a.

If you are booking a workshop over the phone we will take down the booking details verbally. This may include your name, email address and telephone number so we can contact you about your booking. We would take these details down in paper form or electronically and store them securely.
If you request to set-up a wish list over the phone details will be taken in paper or electronic form on our computer systems and stored securely. Please see section 2.2 d for details on the information taken for wish lists.

b) If you send an email request:

Emails are sent to our email address. They are kept securely on our Google Gmail and Ionos accounts. Google or Ionos may share your data outside of the EEU.

2.4 Other Times We Collect Data – Competitions, Suppliers, Surveys & CV Applications.

a) Competitions

If we run competitions which you take part in we may request information such as your name, email address and telephone number to contact you by. We may also ask you for a postal address if we need to send any prizes to you.


If we conduct surveys or feedback opportunities these would be undertaken to capture your voluntarily given feedback and survey responses. These will be clearly written to ensure you understand what data is being requested.

c) If you send in a CV

If you send a CV enquiring about paid work we will only keep this if we have a suitable job we wish to take forward with you. We will delete a CV and any corresponding emails and communications as soon as we have replied to you to thank you for your interest/application.

d) If you supply a service or sale or return goods to us

If you supply a service to us we may ask for your contact details and billing details so we can arrange any services to be undertaken, communicate about any of your goods we stock and make payments to you. These may include your bank details so we can make online BACS payments. Bank details will be recorded in paper or electronic (e.g. on emails) format. These will be kept securely.

f) Photography

If you visit our shop/an event we are running  and you have given your permission for the photo to be used.

3. How Will We Use The Information We Collect About You?

We will only use your personal data for the reasons you gave it to us and when the law allows us to. Most commonly we use your personal data for the following circumstances:

• To process your order or purchase
• To fulfil a request made by you
• Contact you if you have taken part in a competition and have won a prize
• Contact you if you supply us with goods or a service we need to communicate with you about.
• Contact you about any changes to a service, event or product we provide or have provided you.
• If you have consented for us to do so to seek your feedback on products or services we offer.
• If necessary for our legitimate reasons (or those of a third party) and these are not overridden by your own rights and interests.
• Where we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.
• If you have requested to join our mailing list to share information about our products, services and events that we think may be of interest to you. Please see section 4 ‘How Is Your Information Used For Marketing’ for further information on this.

4. How Is Your Information Used For Marketing?

If you have opted to join our mailing lists we will email you with information about our services, products and events that we think may be of interest to you. We operate your mailing lists via MailChimp so we will share your data with MailChimp to process your data. Please see section 6 ‘Who We Share Your Information With’ for further details about this.

You can opt to join our mailing list by signing-up in store via a paper or electronic form or by agreeing to be added as a customer via our point of sale software, iZettle by Paypal You can may also see opportunities to sign-up on our website and social media channels.

If you select to register as a customer on iZettle by Paypal you will be sent an email asking you to confirm if you want to join. The email will explain that your name, email and and purchase history with us will be shared with us and that your details may be shared with third parties such as MailChimp. You will have the option to read the full privacy policy from iZettle by Paypal before you commit to joining. Your details are only shared with us if you click the link in the email. We will then communicate with you via MailChimp and you will have the option to unsubscribe and update your details via the links at the bottom of our emails or by contacting us on

You have a right at any time to stop us from contacting you for marketing purposes. If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes please email us at or click on the links at the bottom our emails.

5. Our Lawful Reasons For Processing Your Information.

In order to process personal data, we must have a lawful reason (sometimes called a lawful basis). We always ensure that this is the case, and we set out our lawful bases below – but please note that more than one may apply at any given time: for example, if we inform you of changes to our privacy notice, we may process your personal data on the ground of complying with law and on the grounds of legitimate interests.

We will use your personal data only for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we fairly consider that we need it for another reason that is compatible with the original purpose.

Please contact us if you would like more information on this, and on situations in which more than one lawful basis applies.

Contractual Necessity

If you are our customer we will process your personal data for the following purposes, on the legal basis that it is necessary for us to provide our products and services to you:

• to enable us to carry out our services
• to respond to your enquiries
• to allow you to set up a wish list
• to the extent necessary to provide you with information you have requested in relation to our products and services before you decide to purchase them
• to provide our products and services, including enabling them to be delivered to you and contacting you about your order (for example, regarding stock or availability)
• to carry out billing and administration activities, including refunds and credits

Of course, you are not obliged to provide us with any of this information, but if you chose not to, we may be unable to provide the product or service that you have requested.

Legitimate Interests

We process your personal information for our legitimate business purposes, which include the following:

• to conduct and manage our business
• to personalise your web experience – for example, by tailoring our products and offers to you
• to allow you to review a product you have purchased
• to gain your feedback
• to analyse, improve and update our services for the benefit of our customers
• to deal with complaints

Whenever we process your personal data for these purposes, we ensure that your interests, rights and freedoms are carefully considered.

Compliance with laws

We may process your personal data in order to comply with applicable laws.


If you have never purchased from us or have not purchased from us for a long time, but have given us your explicit consent to hear from us about our products, services, promotions or events that we consider may be of interest to you, we will contact you by email. You have the right to withdraw consent to marketing at any time.

6. Who Do We Share Your Personal Information With?

We may provide your personal data to the following recipients for the purposes set out in this notice:

iZettle by Paypal

If you contact us by telephone or email to order an item and you cannot pay for this online or in store we may ask you to provide us with a name, delivery name and address and/or invoice address. We will input this into our iZettle by Paypal account so we can raise an iZettle by Paypal invoice or payment link to send to you.

Delivery Providers

If you require an order delivering to you we will need to take a delivery name and address to send your order to and a contact email/telephone number to correspond with you about your order. We may also need to share the delivery name and address and a contact telephone number and/or email with the delivery company so they can deliver your order and contact you about any issues relating to the delivery.


We use MailChimp to manage our mailing list service. MailChimp may send your data outside of the EEA. Please see section 9 ‘Do We Transfer Your Data Outside Of The EEA’ for further information about this. You can read Mailchimp's Privacy Policy here 

Gmail & Ionos

We use Gmail/Google and Ionos to provide our email services. Gmail/Google and Ionos may send your data outside of the EEA. Please see section 9 ‘Do We Transfer Your Data Outside Of The EEA’ for further information about this.


We use Xero as our accountancy software. If you are paid by us or pay us by invoice then we may need to share some of your personal details with them (e.g your name and address) to keep an accounting record of the transaction. Xero may transfer data to countries outside of the EEA. Please see section 9 ‘Do We Transfer Your Data Outside Of The EEA’ for further information about this. You can read Xero’s privacy policy here.

Other people we share your personal information with:

• other email and mail service providers
• technical support partners such as companies who host our website and provide technical support and back-up services.
• financial support companies we use such as iZettle by Paypal and Stripe 
• accountancy support including our accountants and our accountancy software package Xero.
• Law enforcement agencies, government or public agencies or officials, regulators or any other person or entity that has the appropriate legal authorities where we are legally required or permitted to do share information.

7. Do You Have To Provide Personal Information And If So Why?

To form a contract with you we will need some or all of the personal data described above so that we can perform that contract or the steps that lead up to it as set out in this privacy notice. If we do not receive the data the contract could not be performed.

If you sign-up to our mailing list you will have to provide certain personal data so we can send the mailings to you. Of course, you can decide to stop receive these mailings at anytime.

8. How Long Do We Keep Your Personal Information?

We carefully consider all the personal data we store and will not keep your information in a form that identifies you for longer than is necessary for the purposes set out in this notice or as required by law. In some instances we are required to hold data for minimum periods, for example UK tax law currently specifies a six-year period for retention of some of your personal data.

9. Do We Transfer Your Personal Data Outside Of The EEA?

Although we are based in England, we may transfer your personal information to a location (for example a secure server) outside of the European Economic Area, if we consider it necessary or desirable for the purposes set out in this notice.

In such cases to safeguard your privacy rights, transfers will be made to recipients which a European Commission ‘adequacy decision’ applies (this is a decision from the European Commission confirming that adequate safeguards are in place in that location for the protection of personal data) or will be carried out under standard contractual clauses that have been approved by the European Commission as providing appropriate safeguards for international personal data transfers, or the adoption or EU-US Privacy Shield.

10. How Is Your Personal Information Protected?

Procedures are designed to protect your information from loss and unauthorised access, copying, use, modification or disclosure and to ensure its accuracy.

Only authorised Snowhome employees and third parties processing data on our behalf have access to your personal data. All employees who have access to your personal data are required to adhere to Snowhome's Privacy Notice and we have in place safeguards with third parties to ensure your personal data is processed only as instructed by  Snowhome.

We regularly review our information collection, storage and processing practices and use secure technologies (e.g SSL encryption).

We take all reasonable steps to keep your data safe and secure and ensure the data is accessed only by those who have a legitimate interest to do so. Unfortunately the transmission of data via the internet is not completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of data transmitted to us. Any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received the personal data we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

11. Your Information Rights

You have the following rights under data protection laws

The right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data.

The right of access to your personal data and the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you and any supplementary details about that information. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information please email us at or write to us at Snowhome, 42 Gillygate, York YO31 7EQ. We may ask you for further details to assist us in the provision of such information and we will ask for proof of your identity and residential address.

Right of rectification – we are committed to making sure your personal information is accurate and up-to-date. Please do remember to information us about any changes such as if you moved house or change your contact details. It is your responsibility to ensure you submit true, accurate and complete information to us. You may ask us to correct or remove information you think it inaccurate.

Right of erasure – in certain circumstances you have the right to have personal data that we process about you blocked, erased or destroyed.

Right to object to or restrict:
– processing of personal data concerning you for direct marketing
– decisions being made by automated means with produce legal effects concerning you or that similarily significantly affect you.
– In certain other situations to our continued processing our your personal data.

Right of portablity of your data in certain circumstances.

You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of the other rights).

However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. These rights are subject to certain limitations that exist in law. Further information about your information rights is available at the Information Commission’s Office website https:/

12. Changes To This Privacy Notice.

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this web page. You should check this notice on our website occasionally in order to ensure you are aware of the most recent version. We will also have a copy available in store.

13. What Should You Do If You Have A Complaint?

We hope that you will be satisfied with the way in which we approach and use your personal data. If you have a complaint please do contact us via the contact details in section 1 so that we can try to resolve it.
Should you feel we have not resolved your complaint or should you feel it necessary, you have a right to raise a concern with the information regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office http:/

End Of Privacy Notice.