Happy New Year to all our customers - thank you for your support

Meet the Maker - Will Sharp Jewellery 6th October

Will's beautiful jewellery has been a firm favourite in the shop for some time now so we are super thrilled to be welcoming him for the second of our Meet the Maker events taking place on Friday 6th October 2 pm - 6.00 pm. 

Will is an award winning contemporary jeweller, graduating in 2019 from the Glasgow School of Art with first class honours. He was the 2019 recipient of both the Hallmark Studio’s New Designers Award and the Association of Contemporary Jewellers Mark Fenn Award. Inspired by German mid-century design, Will produced a range of work with playful, interchangeable elements. 

Will Sharp Jewellery - image of a woman wearing a black Will Sharp chain necklace

Post university Will set up Will Sharp Jewellery, a brand with a sustainable focus. Creating jewellery that is colourful, lightweight, and perfect for everyday wear. The ranges are made using PLA, a plant based, sustainable material and recycled silver. Processes involve 3D printing and traditional jewellery making techniques.

Will is going to be bringing along not only some of his degree designs to show but also a larger range of his collection than we usually have in store, including all the components to allow Will to make interchangeable chains in various colour-ways and lengths; unique designs that make fabulously elegant necklaces and great statement glasses chains.

We cannot wait to see the results of your design requests and enjoy another relaxed opportunity to introduce you to some of the amazing people behind the Snowhome collection. 

As always we will have a gift wrapping service available in store so if you are looking to come along with gifting in mind we can wrap your purchases in store free-of-charge.

Of course, as will all our Meet the Maker events, the full shop collection will be on show to browse and shop. 

If you would like to learn more about Will and see some of his designs we currently have in store why not take a look at his work here