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Collection: Pigeon Posted

Write. Fold. Send. A more satisfying way to communicate.

Pigeon is all about connection. It's about one-to-one messages to friends and family that have a real emotional depth and meaning (even if it's just to say hi!). It's 'narrowcasting', not broadcasting (one message to one person, not one message to all your friends at once, like we do on social media). And it's about rediscovering the joy of pen on (beautifully illustrated) paper...

Pigeon Posted is a reinterpretation of the traditional paper and envelope letter for the 21st century by graphic designer John Morse Brown - a design intended to make letter writing fun, new, beautiful, and easy.  Inspired by origami each letter sheet is its own integral envelope, and the beautiful print designs mean that the letter writing space is not too daunting.

Find out more about the ideas behind Pigeon Posted here

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